The People Executive Story

We are partners - your partners

People Executive is established and driven by passion. A passion for our craft, our candidates, and our clients. And most importantly, a passion for making a positive difference in everything we do - every day! We want to be known for solid candidate experiences because our years of experience in the industry have shown that this is the key to optimal client value and business results. Our starting point is partnership. Partnership with our candidates and clients. And partnering with each other to successfully deliver for the many candidates and clients who trust us every day. Our resource is our pragmatic and authentic approach characterized by a flexible and modular service model.

Behind People Executive are two partners with extensive experience in executive search, recruitment, assessment, and development. Our researchers know the industries intimately, and together we ensure we find the talent you can't find on your own. We are a team that has come together over many years of close partnership, and we know each other's strengths inside out. This pairing creates high speed and efficiency in our processes.

Our consultants and researchers are, without exception, people with edge, skills and passion who have years of experience working at all levels of companies and organizations - from the boardroom and executive corridor to the production floor where value is created. We don't make it harder than that. Recruitment is a craft - our craft - and we all work to the same values every day, both internally and with our clients. High morale, decisiveness, solid business acumen and the ability to execute are the key words behind our business and success.

We know what unique skills we possess, and we are not afraid to say no to a task that is not within our core business.